
This document describes API version 4


This describes general behavior of all API endpoints.

  • Response bodies (execpt for HTTP 204) are JSON.
  • A repsonse for a resource always contains all attributes
  • The error property is either a string or null. Each non-204 API response always contains an error property.
  • The data property is either an array of objects for collection endpoints or a single object for resource endpoints.
  • POST endpoints take a array of objects to be created. The response will also be a list of objects, where every object has a data and an error property. If an error ocurred, error will contain an error message. If no error occurs, error is null and data contains the created resource.
  • PATCH endpoints and GET resource endpoints return an object with an error and a data property. If an error ocurred, the error property contains a human readable error message intended for the end user. If no error occurs, error is null and data contains the resource
  • GET collection endpoints return an object with an error and a data property. If an error ocurred, the error property contains a human readable error message intended for the end user. If no error occurs, error is null and data contains an array of objects where each object is a resource

Modifying resources

When you modify resources with a PATCH request, all data that cannot be modified is ignored.

This enables you to read a resource from the API, change the fields that you want to update and send a PATCH request to the resources .links.self URL with the whole resource.

Of course, you can also just send the modified fields.

JSON Schemas

This is a list of all JSON schemas for request and response bodies.

As of now, these do not describe the schema for the resources themselves. This means that any property with any value will pass validation for the different resources Envelope Zero knows, e.g. a Transaction.

However, these schemas can be used to validate that the general request or response format is implemented correctly.


This document describes accounts

Changes from v3

API changes from v3 to v4

Match Rules

This document describes match rules

Last modified September 1, 2024: docs: add API v4 documentation (#154) (28222da)